sâmbătă, 6 noiembrie 2010

Ne jucam: 4 luni si 4 saptamani

Pass the hat

Your baby loves the unexpected because she's a constant studier of life; when things change, she gets to figure them out all over again. A game of “pass the hat” will send her into giggles of surprised delight.

Skills developed: sense of cause and effect

What you'll need: a selection of different hats.

This game is great to play at a family gathering or when you have friends around but your baby will also enjoy it if its just you and your husband or older children putting on the show. Pass around a variety of different-looking hats (you can improvise with objects from around the house if you are short of proper headwear) and get everyone to try one on. This alone will make your baby laugh, but that's just the beginning. Encourage everyone to stand in a line in front of your baby or in a circle around her, and, at the sound of some sort of signal (a whistle, bell, or just someone shouting, "Change!"), get each person to pass his or her hat to the next person in line. If your baby is not shy, include her in the line-up: each hat goes on her head for a moment before being passed along.

Mr Moon

As your baby becomes more attuned to the world around him, changes in weather and other natural phenomena become an endless source of wonder. Check your calendar for the next full-moon phase and show him this special spectacle when the time is right.

Skills developed: awareness of the natural world

What you'll need: a full or almost-full moon visible in daylight.

On a day when the full moon is visible before nightfall, point it out to your baby and show him the man in the moon. Point to the sun as well, then sing this little song (you can make up your own melody), acting it out as you go along. "Mr. Moon, Mr. Moon, you're out too soon, the sun is still in the sky. Go back to your bed and cover up your head, and wait until the day goes by." Point to the moon when you mention it, cover your face with your hands or a towel at the words, "cover up your head," then mimic going to sleep on folded hands at the end. Make this a regular ritual and when he's older, your child won't be able to see the sun and moon together in the sky without thinking of you and hearing this ditty in his head.

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